Bob Illingworth - King's Hedges
Bob Illingworth has been selected as the Lib Dem candidate for the county council elections in King’s Hedges division this May.
Bob Illingworth is an active community campaigner, passionate about making North East Cambridge the best that it can be. Bob has lived in the East Chesterton part of King’s Hedges division for over 30 years and understands the issues we face locally. Bob was born and raised in Yorkshire, where he was educated at a local grammar school before attending University.
During his working life, Bob worked in brewing production and quality control. Since retiring, Bob has been setting and marking Master Brewer examinations for the Certified Institute of Brewing and Distilling.
Bob is also passionate about sailing, skiing, science, DIY and music.
“If elected, I will campaign tirelessly for my local community,” Bob said, “Unlike Labour, I won’t take North East Cambridge for granted. I will fight for a fair deal for our local community - on anti-social behaviour, for council tenants and to ensure local people are listened to - not ignored.