Cambridge City Liberal Democrats have expressed outrage after Labour councillors used procedural tactics to shut down a debate on critical planning policy at last night’s meeting of Cambridge City Council, accusing the ruling group of stifling local democracy and failing to stand up to national government directives that threaten Cambridge's sustainable growth.
The motion, proposed by the Liberal Democrats, aimed to address concerns over the Secretary of State's decision to recalculate land supply, allowing developers to build outside the city's local plan at higher densities and on land not allocated for housing. The motion also highlighted the failure to compel developers to build the 36,000 homes already consented in Greater Cambridge, and the ongoing delays caused by national government regarding crucial infrastructure projects like the Waste Water Treatment Plant and Cambridge South at the Biomed campus.
Proposing the motion Cllr Katie Porrer (Liberal Democrats) stated: “Labour is in national government, Labour have the combined authority mayor and Labour is the ruling group here in Cambridge! But this motion still needs to come forward as currently, there seems to be no point at all voting Labour here if you have not got the guts to stand up to your national colleagues and stop this erosion of our hard fought local plan and the handover of control to developers. I really hope that you are going to support this motion and work together with us, cross party, to get the best for our city.”
Cllr Porrer further emphasized the need for sustainable and community-led growth, highlighting the importance of delivering affordable homes with necessary infrastructure, such as schools, GP surgeries, and green spaces.
Immediately following her speech, Cllr Katie Thornburrow (Labour) moved to shut down any further debate, supported by Mayor Cllr Baiju Thittala (Labour) and the majority Labour group. The Liberal Democrats moved an unprecedented motion of no confidence in the Mayor, citing a pattern of stifling local democracy. This motion followed a previous incident in November, when the Mayor had also shut down a debate on Lib Dem policies aimed improving standards for renters in Houses in Multiple Occupation across the city.
"The actions of the Labour group demonstrate a clear disregard for local democracy and the concerns of Cambridge residents," said Cllr Anthony Martinelli (Liberal Democrats). "By shutting down this crucial debate, they have denied the city the opportunity to address critical planning issues and hold the national government to account. We will continue to fight for transparency and accountability, and to ensure that Cambridge's growth is sustainable and benefits all its residents.”
Labour again prevailed against the no confidence vote.
The Liberal Democrats are calling on the Labour ruling group to reconsider their approach and engage in constructive dialogue to address the pressing planning challenges facing Cambridge.
Cllr Tim Bick, Lib Dem leader on the council said afterwards: “In 17 years on the council under both Lib Dem control and now Labour control I don’t recall any party using their majority simply to close down those they didn’t agree with and refuse to debate. In a democracy people will raise things you don’t agree with, but you have to argue it out, not act like playground bullies. Throwing your weight about like this is something quite new and unwelcome. It reflects really badly on Labour and certainly doesn't do anything at all for the city and its residents. And it's a great shame that the current Mayor once again allowed himself to get drawn into such a shabby party political manoeuvre rather than protect the rights of all council members.”