QE Lib Dem Blog December 2023
Welcome from your Liberal Democrat councillors and community champions in Queen Edith’s Ward and division. We intend to send this newsletter out approximately monthly to help keep you informed of what we’ve been up to and events within Queen Edith’s.
Please feel free to forward this message on to anyone who would be interested.
To sign up please visit https://www.cambridgelibdems.org.uk/in-your-area/queen-ediths
Please do let us know what you think as we would welcome feedback.
To contact us about anything in this newsletter, please email
alex.beckett@cambridgeshire.gov.uk, Immy.BlackburnHorgan@cambridge.gov.uk; daniel.lee@cambridge.gov.uk; karenyoung.libdems@gmail.com
Best wishes
Alex Beckett - County Councillor Queen Edith’s Division
Immy Blackburn-Horgan - City Councillor Queen Edith’s Ward
Daniel Lee - City Councillor Queen Edith's Ward
Karen Young - City Councillor Queen Edith's Ward
In this edition:
- Newly elected Councillor Immy Blackburn-Horgan
- Newbury Farm Development
- Development 208 and 210 Queen Edith’s Way
- Healthy You
- Community Grants - Cambridge City Council
- Traffic
- Bus Diversions
Newly elected Councillor Immy Blackburn-Horgan 3 weeks in since winning QE By Election
It is fair to say since you kindly placed your faith in me to be your newly elected community champion life has been a bit of a whirl wind. I have never experienced being elected as a Cllr at midnight to be followed by being interviewed on the radio at 8.50am in the morning. But it was a great opportunity to heighten Queen Edith’s Ward profile as well as when at meetings with Police, Council, Councillors etc.
First on my agenda has been pushing forward on the fantastic community asset that is the Nightingale Park Pavilion. At my first full Council Committee I raised the question of the viability of providing CCTV to keep the users of the pavilion and community garden safe. I have pressed for an opening date whilst being focussed on ensuring the disabled access is in place.
At the Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly I raised the issue of the impending road changes to the Addenbrooke’s roundabout and Hills Rd. Asking with works already happening to provide utilities to Addenbrookes further works need managing to stop Queen Edith’s griding to a stand still.
At the County level I am highlighting the request from residents for carers bus passes to enable more people to be independent and use public transport more. To further encourage more bus use it has been pointed out that public conveniences at Addenbrooke’s Bus Station would help, so am examining if this is feasible.
It is great to get out there into the community and to meet local people and I take every opportunity to sign post them to supporting services such as Neighbourhood Watch, Licencing, Planning, the food hub, money advice etc
Best wishes, Immy
Newbury Farm Development

Following the consultations, the application has now been submitted to Cambridge City Council, and has now been validated with the planning application reference number: 23/04191/REM for the approval of the reserved matters (these being layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) following outline planning permission for the erection of 200 new residential dwellings with associated infrastructure works granted under application 20/01972/OUT.
The CALA Homes website has also been updated with this information. Some changes have been incorporated following the public consultation with stakeholders and the local community that was held over the last few months and these include revisions to the design and layout of the area in the southwest portion of the site to respect the neighbouring farm complex as well as accommodating a potential footpath link to the existing residential area to the northwest should this be possible in the future (noting that this is reliant on land in third party ownership). The key aspects of the submitted proposals include:
- A mix of 200 high-quality new homes
- 40% affordable housing to help meet local needs
- Children’s play areas
- New footpaths, cycle paths and infrastructure to encourage active travel
- New public open space
- 17% biodiversity net gain
- Around £3m in financial contributions towards local services and facilities
- A range of sustainable measures including timber frame construction to reduce embodied carbon during the construction phase, Electric vehicle charging points for all new homes and air source heat pumps which significantly reduce carbon emissions
If you have any questions about the submitted scheme, then please do get in touch.
Development 208 and 210 Queen Edith’s Way
The development on the former builders yard to the rear of 208 and 210 Queen Edith’s Way will formally be starting on site next week. This land sits within Cherry Hinton, on the boundary with Queen Edith’s Ward, and Resolution to Grant Planning was approved on 6 September 2023 by the Planning Committee.
This Development is being brought forward by the Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP) which is owned by the Council, and, together with generation of an income to the Council,, will be delivering 8 low carbon and gas free family homes for market sale. Through carefully considered landscaping which includes the retention of the majority of existing trees, a 20% Net gain of biodiversity is being incorporated across this scheme. There will also be new trees, hedges and native shrubs planted, as well as hedgehog holes, and bat and bird boxes incorporated into the designs.
The build programming is expected to last around one year, and completions of the homes is currently forecast for January 2025.
Healthy You
HEALTHY You is running a completely free, online, month-long health and wellbeing festival in January and organisers are encouraging residents to register now to receive event updates and timetable news in the run up to the festival.
The Healthy You Festival offers free activities such as healthy eating workshops; wellbeing during the menopause classes; taster activities for Pilates, Yoga, T’ai Chi, Salsa, Mindfulness, multiple dance styles and more; strength training for the over 50s; and a chance to pick up healthy lifestyle tips and advice to get active.
All activities are free, online, and suitable for beginners. The sessions offer an opportunity for anyone who is looking to try a new fitness activity, or get fresh ideas to create healthier habits in the new year – whether individually or as a family, community or school group.
The festival is organised by Healthy You – a free service for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents looking to make changes to their lifestyles, funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council – and will be run in partnership with Living Sport, Cambridge City Council, and the county’s other district and city councils.
Register online to receive the full timetable and updates about the festival programme:
Community Grants
Cambridge City Council 2024-25 Area Committee grants have now launched.
These grants fund activities that reduce social and / or economic inequality for Cambridge City residents in the most need, living in one of the following areas of city:
Area: | Covering the wards of: | Apply by midday: |
North | Arbury, East Chesterton, King’s Hedges & West Chesterton |
31 January 2024 |
South | Cherry Hinton, Queen Edith’s & Trumpington | |
East | Abbey, Coleridge, Petersfield & Romsey | |
West Central | Castle, Market & Newnham |
Groups can apply for up to £5,000 to run activities that will take place between April 2024 and March 2025.
This year the application process is via an online application form, go to
to view the guidelines and access the application form.
Activities funded with these grants must address one or more of the following priorities:
- Promoting active lifestyles
- Providing arts and cultural activities
- Providing community development activities
- Providing activities to help reduce poverty
- Providing legal or financial advice – groups must have the Advice Quality Standard or equivalent
- Providing employment support
- Helping to build capacity in the voluntary sector to achieve the above
Please do pass on to relevant voluntary/community groups in your area.
Once the deadline has passed and the assessment process has been completed, a summary of the funding allocations will be sent to ward councillors for information and will be discussed with the Executive Councillor for Communities. The final proposals will then be referred to Julie Cornwell, Community Funding and Voluntary Sector Manager for approval under delegated authority.
- Temporary suspension of the cycle lane on Hills Road, Cambridge as lies between numbers 189 and 207. The Order is made to facilitate new electrical connection and associated works. It is anticipated that these works will be carried out between 9 January and 15 January 2024.
- Vehicles will be stopped from proceeding along Worts Causeway, Cambridge as lies between the A1307 and Lime Kiln Road. Access will be maintained to properties affected by this order. The alternative route for vehicles is via A1307 - Cherry Hinton Road, Great Shelford and vice versa. The Order is made to facilitate electrical ducting and associated works.
It is anticipated that these works will be carried out between 8 January and 2 April 2024.
Bus Diversions
Given the amount of road works in the ward, we thought it would be helpful to indicate where notices of bus diversions etc. are put.
Please see:
For those on twitter, their twitter page offer regular live updates on specific journeys etc: