Queen Edith's Blog September 2024

Welcome from your Liberal Democrat councillors and community champions in Queen Edith’s Ward and division.
We are sending this newsletter out approximately monthly to help keep you informed of what we’ve been up to and events within Queen Edith’s.
Please feel free to forward this message on to anyone who would be interested.
To sign up please visit
Please do let us know what you think as we always welcome feedback.
To contact us about anything in this newsletter, please email
alex.beckett@cambridgeshire.gov.uk, Immy.BlackburnHorgan@cambridge.gov.uk,
daniel.lee@cambridge.gov.uk or karenyoung.libdems@gmail.com
Best wishes
Queen Edith’s Ward Councillors
Alex Beckett - County Councillor Queen Edith’s Division
Immy Blackburn-Horgan – City Councillor
Daniel Lee - City Councillor
Karen Young - City Councillor
In this edition:
1/ Role of Cllrs
2/ Cambridge South-East Transport Scheme
3/ Greater Cambridge Greenways
4/ Information routes from Cambridge City Council
5/ Cambridge City Council Scheme - Litter Loto Bin it to Win it
6/ Cambridge Biomedical Campus Supplementary Planning Document
7/ Worts Causeway Footpath
8/ Defibrillators for the community
9/ Netherhall Housing Development
10/ Reports
1/ Role of Councillors
Cambridgeshire County Council - Cllr Alex Beckett
The County Council is responsible for services across the whole of the county, such as:
- education
- transport (including roads, pavements and parking)
- fire and public safety
- social care
- libraries
- trading standards
CCC Cllrs - https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset-library/A3-Chart-of-Cambridgeshire-County-Councillors-May-2024.pdf
Cambridge City Council - Cllr Immy B-H, Cllr Daniel Lee, Cllr Karen Young
The City Council is responsible for services such as:
- rubbish collection
- recycling
- Council Tax collection
- housing
- planning applications
WARD MAP - https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/media/9159/ward-map-2021-05-06.pdf
2/ Cambridge South-East Transport Scheme
The Cambridge South-East Transport scheme (CSET) is one of four corridor schemes that form a key component of the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s (GCP’s) sustainable transport programme. As the delivery body for the Greater Cambridge City Deal, the GCP is delivering an integrated programme of sustainable transport initiatives, working with local partners to create a comprehensive transport network that can meet the needs of the area now and into the future.
3/ Greater Cambridge Greenways
The creation of an extensive 150km network of twelve greenways is part of a strategy to encourage journeys by active travel into Cambridge city centre from the surrounding villages and settlements within South Cambridgeshire. The network is intended to reduce traffic congestion and to contribute towards improved air quality and better public health relative to a do-nothing scenario. The programme also provides opportunities for leisure, recreation, with access to open spaces, recreational grounds, historic sites and nature reserves.
Both reports available with additional JCP papers at
Plus watch on line https://www.youtube.com/@GreaterCambridgePartnership
4/ Information routes for Cambridge City Council
Website https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/
Reporting https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/report-it
- 01223 457000
- 0300 303 8389 Out-of-hours emergencies
5/ Cambridge City Council - Litter Loto Bin it to Win it
The Council are working with LitterLotto to encourage everybody to bin their litter responsibly.
To take part, download the free LitterLotto app download from the App store or Google Play.
Use the app to take a photo every time you put your rubbish in a street bin. Every piece of litter you bin and photograph counts as an entry, so the more you bin, the higher your chance of winning.
There’s a weekly prize of £1,000 for all participants in the UK. In Cambridge, there are also two monthly prizes: £100 cash, and a £50 Love Cambridge gift card courtesy of Cambridge BID.
See https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/litterlotto-bin-your-litter-to-win-prizes
6/ Cambridge Biomedical Campus Supplementary Planning Document - 28 August 2024
Briefing information has been forwarded to Parish Councils and interested Resident Associations
Greater Cambridge Shared Planning (GCSP) is currently preparing a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Cambridge Biomedical Campus to provide guidance which will supplement the policies of the adopted Local Plans for Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire (both adopted in 2018).
The purpose of the SPD is to guide new development proposals coming forward on the existing campus from both the corporate/commercial organisations alongside the CUH NHS hospitals, to ensure they all positively contribute to the campus and wider area by taking a more holistic, rather than piecemeal, approach. The scope of the SPD does not include the potential further expansion of the campus given this is a matter for the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan.
Slides can be found at
7/ Worts Causeway Footpath
The footpath has been temporarily closed due to a significant difference in levels (approximately 1.2m) between the path and the new carriageway/footpath at the Worts Causeway junction. We are actively working on a design to safely connect these levels.
Ross Mowle This Land Limited | Compass House, Vision Park, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9AD.
E: rossmowle@this-land.co.uk | www.this-land.co.uk
Senior Development Manager has identified that due to this level difference and required ramp gradients, any new ramps will need to extend approximately 30-40 meters back from the new footpath. Constructing ramps of this length may necessitate further tree clearance, which is not currently permitted under the existing planning consent and Cllr Immy Blackburn-Horgan has informed This Land Limited she is not in support of this in the first instance and asks other solutions be explored..
They are currently exploring two avenues to address this:
- Permanent Solution: They are collaborating with the County Definitive Map Officer to design a permanent solution that upgrades the current permissive path to a fully designated public right of way, ensuring its long-term accessibility and safety. This solution is required to meet the standards for a bridleway while minimising environmental impact.
- Temporary Solution: In parallel, they are investigating temporary solutions to reopen the footpath sooner. However, ensuring a safe and compliant temporary design that adheres to relevant standards and guidance is proving challenging.
They assure residents that the design process and coordination with the County Officer are being prioritised to reopen the footpath as soon as reasonably possible. ,
8/ Defibrillators for the Community
The British Heart Foundation open bids for free defibrillators in October 2024 and there are sure to be other sources too (QECF & RCLA NWSare already interested).
9/ Netherhall Housing Development
Is being managed by CALA Homes with Scott Dunbar as the Construction Director
Who states “As a Considerate Contractor, we strive to minimise the impact of our works on our neighbouring residents and to build trust with the public.”
E: scott.dunbar@cala.co.uk
Cala Homes (North Home Counties), 1 Falcon Gate, Shire Park, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 1TW
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority
Cambridge Biomedical Campus Vision 2050 Refresh
CBC Ltd. Housing Report
Cllr Immy B-H has met with the NHS hospitals CUH Chair of Board of Governors, Addenbrookes and Papworth and corporate commercial organisations starting with Abcam/AstraZeneca and the sites CBC Ltd. established to promote the interests of its members owners/occupiers of the CBC site) and all are committed to commissioning a Neighborhood Impact Report to review how to mitigate for the issues arising from growth on the communities the CBC site sits within.
COMMUNITY CHAMPION SEPTEMBER - Rob supporting Council to improve waste management at Nightingale Rec and Community Garden