Ingrid Flaubert
I was first elected as a councillor in May 2021 making me the first Caribbean born councillor to represent Trumpington where I have lived for the last six years.
My work is based on improving policy considerations in proceedings involving children.
Born in the Caribbean, raised in Spain and educated in the UK I know all the challenges and inequality that people from different ethnic backgrounds face.
My academic work allows me to be proactive in the endless flight for human rights and social inequality. I have been able to help families struggling with the local authority and social housing issues. I have helped my colleagues in promoting and delivering successful campaigns such as improving road and community safety. My focus for the next two years is to continue being a voice for all as well as improving local facilities for disable people and ensuring we have a minimal sport facilities in Trumpington.
I continue to be committed to do more for the environment and improving our green spaces.
As a councillor I have devoted my time to solve residents' concerns and represent their views in fundamental issues that matter to us such as saving our green spaces, our trees and conservation areas. I have helped my colleagues in promoting and delivering successful campaigns such as improving road and community safety.
The Lib Dems are the only party with clear achievable proposals for our community and our planet.